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Investment opportunities
Business support
Project management
Business coaching and mentorship
Infrastructure development
Skills development and training
Asset leasing
Investor to provide capital investment to facilitate research and development to achieve innovative solutions.
UH support manufacturing of products and therefore an investor will provide an expansion for more products to be manufactured for example lithium batteries for electric vehicles in the automotive sector.
More importantly an investor will be profiled in support of a private company, with passion to contribute towards skills development of the youth and to curb unemployment.
An investor will be part of UH’s vision to create a legacy as a private company to support emerging businesses to grow in business acumen.
And an investor will therefore form part of optimising operations of the company to achieve growth and expanded footprint elsewhere in Africa and beyond.
Zakes Automotive and Mechanical Centre – Motor mechanics and wheel alignment.
Empire Customs – Panel beating, body works and spray painting.
Mfolozi College – Technical and vocational training in various artisinal, trade, and skill-based courses.
UST College – Skills development, training and candidacy.
Go Getter – Automotive services.
UHCon – Private development and manufacturing of concrete products.
UDC – UH development consulting services.
Singing In the Rain – Land acquisition and property development.
Professional bodies for accreditation and compliance.
Strategic partners for collaboration and networking.
SMME development support – Business development and training for SMME’s.
Funding support for SMME’s and non financial support such as pitch training.