Empowering Growth, Shaping the Future

At Uphiwekonke Holdings, we are passionate about driving skills development and empowering marginalized communities. We serve as a strategic nerve center, providing leadership and resources to our subsidiaries. Our areas of focus include:
Skills Development

We are committed to closing the skills gap and creating job opportunities, particularly in the automotive sector. Our programs offer training in mechanical skills, panel beating, spray painting, sound installation, and bodywork.


We invest in property development projects, acquiring land and partnering with subsidiaries like Singing In the Rain to develop these properties.


We support emerging businesses through business coaching, mentorship, and access to funding. Our goal is to create a lasting legacy of job creation and economic empowerment.

Subsidiary Support

We provide strategic leadership, procurement services, and human resource development support to our subsidiaries, ensuring their operational efficiency and success.

By focusing on these areas, we aim to make a significant impact on skills development, economic growth, and the lives of individuals and communities in South Africa.

Our Services

  • Manufacturing
  • Skills Development
  • Business Support
  • Project Management
  • Business Coaching
  • Business Mentorship
  • Asset Leasing